Thursday, September 5, 2013
Posting #3- The Paris Peace Conference
Major Theme: Post war peace negotiations
Please respond to each of the following primary sources dealing with the Paris Peace Settlement. You may take your own approach or answer the questions provided:
1.) Hitler's View of the Versailles Treaty (Written in Mein Kampf-My Struggle)
When in the year 1919 the German people was burdened with the peace treaty, we should have been justified in hoping that precisely through this instrument of boundless repression the cry for German freedom would have been immensely promoted. Peace treaties whose demands are a scourge to nations not seldom strike the first roll of drums for the uprising to come...We had to form a front against this treaty and engrave ourselves forever in the minds of men as an enemy of this treaty, so that later when the harsh reality of this treacherous frippery would be revealed in its naked hate, the recollection of our attitude at that time would win us confidence.
*What does this expert from Mein Kampf tell us about Hitler's reaction to the treaty?
2.) The Economic Consequences of the peace: A British View (John Maynerd Keynes' View)
The treaty is no treaty, because it is now generally recognized that in truth it settles nothing...If you pledge a man to perform the impossible, you are no nearer a decision as to what in fact he has to do: for his pledge is, necessarily a dead letter. The reparations clauses of this treaty are its most important economic feature. But being composed of foolish, idle words, having relation to real facts, they are without practical effect, and they leave the prospects of the future undetermined...This treaty ignores the economic solidarity of Europe, and by aiming the economic life of Germany it threatens the health and prosperity of the Allies making demands the execution of which is in the literal sense impossible, it stultifies itself and leaves Europe more unsettled than it found it.
* What are the major criticisms made of the Treaty of Versailles by John Maynard Keynes? Were his predictions true?
3.) The Paris Peace Settlement: A British Assessment (a view from a British delegate at the conference)
The historian, with every justification, will come to the conclusion that we were very stupid men. I think we were...We came to Paris confident that the new world order was about to be established; we left it convinced the new order had fouled the old...We arrived determined that a peace of justice and wisdom should be negotiated: we left it conscious that the treaties imposed were neither just nor wise...It is impossible to read German criticism without deriving the impression that the Paris Peace Conference was guilty of disguising an imperialist peace under the surface of Wilsonism...Hypocrisy was the predominant and inescapable result...We had accepted a system for others which, when it came to practice, we should refuse to apply to ourselves.
*Does this impression of the treaty coincide (match) with your opinion of its clauses (e.g. limits on military, reparations etc.)
4.)Reparations against Germany: An American View (viewpoint of an American delegate at the Paris Peace Conference)
The magnitude of the reparations demanded of Germany under the treaty...placed great strain upon credit. Largely on this account there was a widespread collapse of the entire pre-war system of goods and services and investments. The pre-war gold system has collapsed and a large part of the world functions in terms of closed international dealings restricted to barter...The reparations clauses contributed largely toward a German psychology which has changed the political complexion of much of the world.
*According to this delegate what are the major weaknesses of the treaty? What is the American opinion of the treaty and what is the major effect they are concerned with?
Please read the following pages in your text: 129-130
Possible Essay Topics: Was the Treaty of Versailles a valuable tool to maintain peace in Europe? Was the treaty a cause for a future war?
This posting is now open and will close on Oct 9th. The essay is due on Oct 10th. The following students will be asked to participate: Natalie N., Hayden P., Cameron P., Fernando Q., Luke R., Kate S., Uel S., Glen V., Shayna W., Alexandra W., Cameron W., Christi S.
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Hitler hated the Versailles treaty so much because it was causing a lot of drama in the economy.
John Maynerd Keynes thought the treaty would settle nothing, he thought it wouldn't ruin Germany or help it join the family of Europe, all in all accomplishing nothing. It was a pointless treaty.
I think the Americans are mainly concerned about their government becoming destructed or losing power to run their country.
In my opinion, I think the treaty is just triggering a war to start, it’s causing too much chaos with the Germans.
I agree with Taylor, Hilter hated the idea of the Versailles treaty because he believed it was an embarassment to the Germans and it also caused the country to go bankrupt. John Maynerd Keynes also believed that the treaty will not solve anything, but make things worse. It was only ruining the economy and causing problems with the people. In my opinion the treaty only caused issues.
I believe that the treaty was trying to accomplish a massive task, that being world peace. By taking off much more than they could "chew" America only crippled Germany further and increased tension between countries therefore leaving Europe as a ticking time bomb.
I believe that British and Americans, went into the conference hoping for way too much. They expected that the new order would far surpass the old, they were sadly disappointed with the results. As for the restrictions on Germany, some of the demands are insane, it leaves Germany almost no way to protect itself in the chance of a conflict, completely humiliates them, and leaves them almost no money to spare. Hence why this treaty was one of the causes of world war 2.
Hitler was very upset about the treaty & believed he was “an enemy” to the treaty. He also believed that to be remembered, he must lead people into his way, instead of the government, & that in the end will bring confidence to his nation.
John Maynard Keynes believed that this treaty was pretty well useless because it was impossible & was more inspirational then practical. The costs were too expensive & Europe did not have the funding. If it was done, one problem would be solved, yet another would arise, debt. This would leave the country in an even bigger dilemma. Therefore, his predictions were true.
I agree with the British delegate, the Germans & British thought that all their problems would be solved within one dream treaty; unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. The Germans were too hypocritical.
The expert from Mein Kampf tells us that Hitler was completly astounded that such a treaty would be allowed to go through as a "peace treaty". Hitler wanted to be remembered as someone who completly and utterly hated this treaty,the fact that Germany should be treated like a dog whom gets locked up for "bad behavoior" made him readying the country for another war.
I agree with Glen, Germany had every right to be outraged. Germany got "The short end of the stick." with this deal this deal did not improve anything on their side it was merely just a deal they had there hand forced to make. These reasons is why Germany wanted to reclaim its power lost by the treaty.
Hitler hated the treaty. We see this written in “Mein Kampf”. Hitler said that the people of Germany hated the treaty and that an uprising would come that he would support.
John Maynard Keyes disagrees with the treaty and says it’s basically useless because its not only going to affect Germany but threatens the health and prosperity of the Allies and will affect all of Europe. Looking back now we see that Keyes predictions were true and that the treaty did the complete opposite of its purpose.In my opinion the treaty was unfair to the German people. The German economy had collapsed and many people lost everything they had. People were starving and dying. The german people felt like they were being held back and in a way they were. the treaty did not help, only caused more hardships for the Germans.
I agree with Glen on how the British and Americans had high standards for the Germans. They Germans would simply not meet their expectations due to how it would leave Germany to be greatly humiliated and taken advantage. The demands were too extreme and unrealistic. No wonder the Germans were furious.
I agree with Glen about how the Americans and British expected way to much of the Germans. It was ridiculous for the treaty for the treaty to be sent to the germans because it would just humiliate them and make them look weak. it was unrealistic to even think they would accept
I agree with Glen about how the Americans and British expected way to much of the Germans. It was ridiculous for the treaty for the treaty to be sent to the germans because it would just humiliate them and make them look weak. it was unrealistic to even think they would accept
As the expert from Mein Kampf explains to us Adolf Hitlers reaction to the so called "peace treaty". Hitler saw the treaty as being completely unjust to his nation as well as it being a huge factor to cause serious humiliation to the Germans. Hitler wasn't the only one to believe this,many other Germans were by his side. The treaty would completely restrict the Germans leaving them more or less exposed to other nations, eventually leading to being seen as a mockery. In my opinion the treaty was causing unnecessary chaos with the Germans.
As the expert from Mein Kampf explains to us Adolf Hitlers reaction to the so called "peace treaty". Hitler saw the treaty as being completely unjust to his nation as well as it being a huge factor to cause serious humiliation to the Germans. Hitler wasn't the only one to believe this,many other Germans were by his side. The treaty would completely restrict the Germans leaving them more or less exposed to other nations, eventually leading to being seen as a mockery. In my opinion the treaty was causing unnecessary chaos with the Germans that could quickly escalate to a major conflict or worse , possibly war.
i think that the peace treaty was a big cause for war. Although i can see the British and Americans points. it was the massive industrialization of Germany that challenged the other nations of Europe and was a big cause of the first war. so the British and Americans tried to prevent Germany from rising to that extent of power again. although this only angered Germany and caused more conflict
Hitler felt that this treaty was an embarrassment to his people, who had worked so hard to get to where they were, and now had to throw it all away.
John Maynerd Keynes felt that the treaty was just an abuse of power and forced a country to tear down years of progression and it was an embarrassment by asking Germany to tear down most of its defenses
i feel the treaty was in the right frame of mind, trying to prevent further war, it was just handled and dealt with very improperly
the major weaknesses of the treaty was that it wasn't a treaty more so of a list of demands that the German people had to follow. it was also a great strain on the nation itself as you can't remove years of industrialization over night
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